Blog Posts

When using PHP's cURL function, you may come across this error in your website log when the cURL function fails to retrieve information back. Here is the solution to this problem.

Anyone who has done a custom install of PHP on a Linux OS with SeLinux enabled, would of at some time come across this error. Here is a solution.

Twitter has recently ramped up its domain name censorship policy on its website. Here is a workaround to counter Twitter's censoring of domain links.

New PHP7 bug CVE-2019-11043 can allow even non-technical attackers to take over servers.

Here is an instructional 'how-to' on how to create a customised OpenSSL and cURL build, for use in building a legacy PHP installation.

When trying to install a FPM instance of PHP 5.6 on my Fedora 29 server, I was initially stuck with the dreaded 'Segmentation Fault' error. However after some investigative work, I came across what is perhaps the crux to the problem.