Blog Posts

Administering user accounts in Postfix can be a tedious job. Here is a short howto to change a Postfix user's password stored in a MySQL database.

A coding error dubbed The Riddle has been uncovered in MySQL. This issue can be exploited by attacker powering a MITM attack to steal user accounts.

While administering a Drupal 8 CMS, you may have of noticed when a change to an imagestyle is made, the change to the related content is not immediately reflected on the site (eg: metatags) . The following knowledgebase is a workaround for this issue.

If you've ever maintained a Drupal website that contained images or files, you would at some point come across this error when Drupal's cron process is run. Here is a fix to get around this issue.

At some point in your life as a Linux Administrator, you are going to have to deal with installing and maintaining a MySQL database. The following blog links to a website which outlines how to install and add data into a MySQL database.

The following knowledgebase article is a step-by-step guide on how to configure SSL connectivity for a MySQL / MariaDB / Percona database server and client.